Learning, growing, and maybe ranting.

More Toxic Than a Virus

More Toxic Than a Virus

So, it's been almost two years since a global pandemic was declared. I see myself typing that, but I can hardly believe it's been that long. To say that it's been a hard two years would be a major understatement. It's been challenging, painful, severe (and other words...

Hey friends! What a crazy week we had! My family and I decided to start off our vacation by visiting family back in Kenosha, Wisconsin. That's right, THE Kenosha, Wisconsin. We arrived a day after riots, fires, and looting had started. Places that I had walked past my...

It’s Time to Tear Up the Script

It’s Time to Tear Up the Script

"Packers are way better than Vikings!" I said to the other boys in the huddle. It was a cold November morning, and we were waiting for the bell to ring to go inside. I was a junior higher who spent most of his time playing outside, reading comics, or watching reruns...

The News is Not Making You a Better Person

The News is Not Making You a Better Person

When I was young, I would spend my summers with my grandfather on his farm. Every night, we had a ritual of watching the ten o’clock news (followed by Quincy with Jack Klugman). As I got older, I learned to appreciate the news. It was delivered by well-dressed men and...

5 Awesome Things I Learned From Stan Lee

5 Awesome Things I Learned From Stan Lee

Stan Lee died today. It's strange feeling a sense of loss over someone you've never met personally but I can't think of a time in my life that I didn't know about him. As an avid Marvel Comics reader throughout my childhood, teen, and young adult years, I remember...

The 5 Scariest Things About Burnout

The 5 Scariest Things About Burnout

I vividly remember sitting in the psychologist's office as he told me I was experiencing burnout in a bad way. I had been suffering for a while but I didn't know that there was a clinical term for what I was going through. I just thought I was broken somehow and hoped...

For a Better Life, Stop Doing This with Your Mouth Now

For a Better Life, Stop Doing This with Your Mouth Now

"I hate my job." Do you know who says that? People who hate their jobs. "I'll never succeed." You know who says that? People who never succeed. "My best years are behind me." You know who says that? People who have only memories of the good ol' days and nothing to...

The One Question You Must Ask to Get a Vision for Your Life

The One Question You Must Ask to Get a Vision for Your Life

VIsion. Without a vision for where we want our lives to go, we drift. We float from experience to experience hoping to find some fulfillment. We chase pleasure instead of purpose and ultimately find ourselves frustrated that things didn't turn out as we hoped....

How to be More Alive

How to be More Alive

One of my favorite quotes is by Saint Irenaeus and it goes like this, "The glory of God is man fully alive". I know it's actually a miss-quote but I really like it anyway. The expression "fully alive" really inspires me. It reminds me of Christ's offer of a rich and...