Learning, growing, and maybe ranting.
Losing the Cape: The Power of Ordinary in a World of Superheroes
I read loads of books but I don't normally write book reviews. In the case of my friend Dan Stanford's book I couldn't help myself. Why? Because "Losing the Cape: The Power of Ordinary in a World of Superheroes" is the book I've been wanting to write for years, but...
4 Reasons Why Personal Growth Is So Hard
"If it's not growing, it's dying." At least that's what I've heard said, and I think there's a lot of truth to that statement. I like to play the guitar. I've noticed that, if I don't practice regularly, my skill level doesn't stay at it's peak. Instead, it declines...
How to Get Unstuck
Have you ever felt stuck? I sure have! Once, I spent over 5 YEARS trying to lose 10 pounds. I know that doesn't sound like much, and you might be laughing at me right now for struggling with that for so long. I went to the gym faithfully, I used a calorie counting...
Stop Missing the Mark With Your Goals!
We all do it. We make goals that we hope will change our lives for the better. Lose weight. Write a book. Get out of debt. Launch a business. Lean a new skill. The world is full of people with unfulfilled dreams, goals, and desires. At the beginning of every year,...
My 5 Favorite Books of 2017
Leaders are readers, and readers lead. At least that's what I've always been told. For 2017, I decided to make it my goal to read 15 books. I've read 17 so far and I'm working on number 18. I felt pretty good about myself for that, and then my wife told me she just...
4 Benefits to Having Uncomfortable Conversations
I was recently invited onto a podcast to be grilled by the host for an hour. I don't know why, but conversations like this have always been difficult for me. I don't answer questions "on the spot" very well, and I tend to freeze if the topic isn't something I'm very...
Fear of the Deep End
I remember when I was just a grade-school boy. One of my favorite summertime activities was swimming. If I had a chance to be in the water, I would take it, even if it wasn't terribly hot outside. There was a community pool in our city, called Anderson Pool. For just...
Eight Wisdom Bombs That Will Help You Get Your $#!% Together!
"Get your $#!% together!" Has anyone ever told you to do that? I remember being in my early 20s and having a mentor tell me that. Those weren't his exact words but the sentiment was the same. I complained constantly about my job, I wasted a lot of time watching TV, I...
Win a New Kindle Paperwhite!
Do you love to read? Me too! Over the years, I've read more books than I can name and I look forward to reading many more. A few years ago, I reluctantly bought my first e-reader. It was the first Amazon Kindle. I didn't want to buy it because I enjoyed the tactile...