2011 Ireland Missions Trip: Day 2

Today was a great day!

We drove to Dundalk to buy a wireless router because the three of us were taking turns using the same wired connection.  It’s hard to build websites that way.

On the way to Dundalk, we stopped to take a picture and I thought I’d try out the panorama feature on Photoshop.  I think I took it too far…

We spent the rest of the day building a new website for American missionary Dana Holloman, then I got to share at her youth ministry in Drogheda.

I had a chance to shoot a quick video with her here.  Enjoy!

Here’s a flier to an event Dana is putting on…

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Blood from a Turnip

“You can’t squeeze blood from a turnip.”

I heard that phrase lots while I was growing up and, to be honest with you, I had no idea what it meant until well into adulthood (along with many other colloquialisms, I’m a slow learner).

The thing that really brought this alive to me was ministry, and dealing with such a variety of people.  I remember praying for a young man one night at the tail end of a church service.  He came asking for prayer because he was struggling with thoughts of violence.  He claimed he would drive the streets at night looking for a fight to pick.  He said he couldn’t help himself and really wanted God to intervene.  Out of the blue (or by inspiration of the Holy Spirit) I asked him what kind of movies he liked to watch.  He proceeded to give me a list of the most violent, agro-filled, angry films on the market.  What surprised me was that he really didn’t know why he felt so violent all the time!  He was clueless to the fact that all the garbage he was taking in was making its way out.

What we fill our souls with doesn’t end with our subconscious reactions to entertainment though.  One lesson I’m constantly reminding myself of, as a minister, is that I can’t give away what I don’t have.

As leaders, we have a responsibility to be filling up.  If we’re going to give others more than pithy sayings, trite answers, and fake smiles, then we MUST be filling ourselves up!  We must be on our knees before Jesus, we must be filling up on His word, and we must be gleaning from the faith generals that have gone before us.

So many leaders are running on an empty tank and they’re useless.  They’ve exchanged refueling for the sense of accomplishment they get from working ridiculous hours.

OK, I’m going down a rabbit trail so I’ll end.

You can’t squeeze blood from a turnip, you can’t get salt water from a fresh water stream, and you can’t get depth, wisdom, and anointing from a leader who isn’t deliberately being filled with the Spirit and wisdom of God.

Take time to be filled up.  Read, pray, rest, and grow.  The people you are leading need you to.

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Nostril Waxin’

My friend Kat Schaefer (@KatSchaefer13) opened her own salon recently.  She’s been cutting my hair for a couple years now and I’m really excited that she’s stepping out to create her own space to use her talents and support her family.  While my son and I were in for a haircut, I thought I’d have some fun and try something new, so I let Kat wax my ridiculously hairy nostrils.  The olfactory has never been cleaner.  Enjoy…


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Reaching the Lost Costs a Lot of Money!

You may have already heard that God has called my family and me to plant a new church, in the Quad Cities, called Mercy Vineyard ChurchWe believe that the greatest form of evangelism today is church planting and we’re excited to partner with God in bringing in a harvest in Northwest Moline/Northeast Rock Island.  There, we will be reaching out to the working poor of our community to meet their spiritual and physical needs.  We have a long way to go and a short time to get there and we are asking you to partner with us financially and through your prayers.

Our vision is to see a large, multicultural, multigenerational, multiplying church reaching, teaching, and releasing to make God famous and expand His Kingdom on the Illinois side of the Quad Cities. Our first Sunday morning service will be held on September 18th.  Our goal is 300 in attendance and our launch team has been working hard to invite friends, coworkers, relatives, and neighbors.  We believe many will come to know Jesus and we’ll do whatever it takes to introduce seekers to Him.

We have been blessed and sent out by The Vineyard Church of Davenport with their full support.  The majority of our launch team is from there and we carry with us many of their values and their philosophy of ministry.  It’s a wonderful culture of being the hands and feet of Jesus to our community.

To make this happen, we need to raise $72,000 as quickly as possible; $15, 650 for marketing, signage, and print materials, $12,000 for sound, lighting, and video equipment, $15,000 for facilities, and $30,000 for administration.  We have so far raised $20,000 but still have $52,000 to go to make this happen in a way that speaks excellence, caring, and commitment to the community we are reaching out to.  Would you please commit to a large, one time financial gift or a monthly gift to Mercy Vineyard Church for 18 months?

Giving can be done by mailing a check to Mercy Vineyard Church P.O. Box 1654 Moline, IL 61266 or online at www.findmercy.org/giving.  Financial supporters will receive monthly newsletters to keep them up to date with what God is doing through our brand new church and inform them of urgent prayer needs.

If you wish to speak to me personally about the Mercy Vineyard Church and how you can be a part, please email me at contact@leebezotte.com and I would be honored to share, in greater detail, the strategy for launching this new work.

Running Hard After God,

Lee Bezotte

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