Nostril Waxin’

My friend Kat Schaefer (@KatSchaefer13) opened her own salon recently.  She’s been cutting my hair for a couple years now and I’m really excited that she’s stepping out to create her own space to use her talents and support her family.  While my son and I were in for a haircut, I thought I’d have some fun and try something new, so I let Kat wax my ridiculously hairy nostrils.  The olfactory has never been cleaner.  Enjoy…


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One Small Thing That Could Change Your Life

We have a tradition around our house.  We practice this tradition every Monday and it has changed us for the better.  Because of this tradition, there’s a greater sense of peace in our home, we’re a closer family, and we’ve learned some incredible things along the way.  When this tradition was first suggested to us by some friends of ours, I kind of shrugged it off.  But my wife persisted, and boy am I glad she did!

So what it this miracle tradition?

We call it Media Fast Monday.

On Mondays, the TV does not get turned on, the computer is only used for work and school, and video games are off limit.  It’s only for one day out of the week, but it makes a massive difference!

Here are a few of the benefits we’ve gained:

1. We get more reading in.  If you never seem to have time to read, you’d be surprised at how many books you can devour by simply spending one night a week with a book.  I could write an entire post about the difference reading makes, so dive in!

2. We spend quality time as a family.  Let’s be honest, time together around the TV set really isn’t quality time.  With the TV off, we play games together, work on art projects, and have fun interacting.  The kids don’t dread Media Fast Monday, they look forward to it!

3. Our marriage is stronger.  Again, time around the TV together really isn’t that quality, and good, quality one on one time usually leads to MORE one on one time with the spouse (if you catch my meaning).  Turning the TV off has made us better lovers :-).

4. Fasting Media has a detoxifying effect.  With the TV off, I tend to feel less anxious, the house is quieter, and having less stimulation helps to clear the brain and calibrate my thoughts.  I often do my best writing during a media fast.

I want to challenge you to give it a try for six weeks.  It may sound radical but it really is a small price to pay for the benefits you gain.  Don’t give in to the temptation to work late on Monday nights or preoccupy yourself with going out with friends or doing household maintenance projects.  Use the time to strengthen your family relationships, your mind, and your spirit.

Let me know what you think!  Do you think you’ll try it?  Do you do something similar?  Tell me about it!

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My Favorite Things

On Sunday mornings, my pastor has been going through a series called “My Favorite Things”.  I’ve really been enjoying it and thought I’d share some of my favorite things right here.  They’re in no particular order, just sort of shot-gunned on here.



The Pursuit of God by A.W. Tozer.  My all time favorite nonfiction book.  (Yes, the Bible is my favorite book.)  I thought this would be a quick read based on the size but I ended up reading most of it on my knees and in tears.  It changed the way I thought about God and kindled a deeper passion for prayer.

I even wrote a series of blog posts containing prayers from the book.


Ralph Vaughan Williams’ music.  I could listen to his music all day (and sometimes I do).  It’s incredibly peaceful/pastoral and has a way of conjuring up images of wind-swept fields and golden sunsets in my mind.

I really like to read while listening to Williams too.

Here’s one of his most famous pieces, The Lark Ascending.


Luigi’s.  This little family owned restaurant in my hometown of Kenosha, Wisconsin has the best pasta dishes anywhere!

My first real job was at Luigi’s.  I can still hear the old ladies yelling at me in Italian and me not understanding a word.

When I first moved away from home I would have dreams of being back at Luigi’s.  If you’re ever in Kenosha, check them out.


Braveheart.  I don’t know what it is about this movie, but it makes me want to take up a cause, any cause, and fight to the bloody death for it.

There’s just something about the passionate fight for freedom that gets me.

This scene still stirs me after all these years.


Fresh baked brownies.  As hard as I try to exercise restraint when these things come out of the oven, I just can’t resist.  My milk is poured and my hand is out.

I’ve been know to eat an entire row by myself before they’re completely cooled.

Brownies the next day?  Feh…


Ireland.  Here’s a place that’s been stuck in my heart for years.  When I’m there, I feel at home.  When I’m not there, I wish I were.

God put this country on my heart several years ago and I’ve taken many trips there and made some wonderful friends.

You can find out more info about what I do there here.


My boys.  I love my boys.  They make me laugh, they’re fun to be with, they’re creative, they’re really smart, and I just love them a whole lot!

People get surprised when I tell them I really don’t have any serious hobbies.  I figure I’ll have time for hobbies when my boys grow up and move out.  Until then, I just like to hang out with them.


My insanely beautiful wife.  Easily my very best friend.  She’s pretty, smart, great with the kids, a wonderful worship leader, and a terrific cook.  She’s the total package when it comes to awesome wives and I love her tons.

We’ve been married over 18 years and it feels like we’re just getting started.


The Healing Light/The Healing Rock.  These two internet radio stations play old Christian rock from the 80’s and 90’s.

It’s so much fun to listen to because it reminds me of some really good times when I was younger.

I know this one makes me look old.  I don’t care.  It’s one of my favorite things!


Those are just a few of my favorite things (and people).  What are some of yours?

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I’m Blessed


I work one day a week for an organization that feeds the poor and homeless.  As they walk past me, it’s not unusual to make small talk and ask, “How you doing?” (A question which has become more of a greeting than something that you really expect an answer from.)

What surprises me, when I ask this question, is the number of people who smile wide and answer, “I’m blessed!”

Blessed“!  They have very little.  Some of them proclaim that they’re blessed and then sleep in a shelter, not knowing if they’ll have a warm meal or a bed the next day.

Contrast that with the answer I receive from those with plenty, “My back’s been bothering me”, “My son dented my car”, or “Not horrible I guess”.

How is it that those of us with so much can’t see how blessed we truly are?

It’s just something I was pondering and thought I might be able to get some insight from you.

What do you think?

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Totally Worth It!

Life is hard.

Let me be more specific; life is hard if you want to live it.  NOT living life is easy.  Just grab the remote, game controller, magazine, drink, or whatever other escape device you prefer and… cease.  Stop engaging.  Stop trying.  Just vegetate.  You have no idea how attractive that sounds to me at times.

The big lesson I’ve learned over the years is that living, REALLY living, is difficult.

Want a great marriage?  WORK for it!  Read books, attend conferences, talk to each other.

Want to raise great kids?  Put your back into it!  Take parenting classes, read, spend time with your kids.  For Pete’s sake your hobbies can wait!

Want to be in better shape?  Complaining about being fat won’t get you there.  Get up earlier and hit the gym.  It’s a pain.  It’s a struggle.  It can be a total drag but it is so worth it!

Almost two years ago I started my own business.  I can’t even tell you how many times I wanted to give up.  It wasn’t unusual to go for weeks without work.  IT WAS SO HARD!  But you know what?  It was totally worth it! If I would have taken the easy way, I would not be nearly as happy as I am today.

Choosing the difficult thing is not only immensely rewarding, but it also strengthens us.

As I move into the next big phase of my life (planting a church) I’m acutely aware that it’s going to be one of the most difficult challenges I’ve ever undertaken, but I also know it’s going to be worth it.  Lives are going to be changed, eternities decided, and needs met.  I’m confident that it will be worth it and, five years from now, I’ll be glad I decided to do the hard thing.

So what about you? What’s the hardest thing you’ve ever done?  Was it worth it?

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Positioned to be Used

My family and I moved to a different house a couple of weeks ago.  There are very few things I really hate, but moving is definitely one of them.  I hate packing up all my stuff, I hate leaving a house and neighborhood I love, I hate hauling heavy boxes and furniture, and I hate sorting through tons of boxes to find what I need to work after we’ve moved to the new house.

One question I kept asking myself during the move was, “Why do we have all this stuff?!”  Don’t get me wrong, we’re not pack rats and we usually only shop out of necessity (as opposed to shopping because it’s fun or entertaining).  I just kept wondering why we were lugging so much stuff every time we moved.  It was really troubling to think we paid for so much stuff that was simply being stored in the basement or attic.  It pretty much sickens me to think that Americans have more stuff in storage than what the rest of the world owns COMBINED.

During the move, my wife kept bringing up really good “What if?” questions.  “What if God calls us to…” and “What if God asks us to give…”

What do “What if?” questions have to do with owning too much stuff?  Everything!  What if God calls us to overseas missions?  What do we do with all of our stuff?  Something tells me that Paul did not have a bunch of junk in a self-storage unit as he spread the gospel across Asia Minor.

What about the cost of all this garbage?  I wish I could get my money back for every DVD I only watched once or every book I never read or every accessory and trinket I thought would make my life so much better.  That money could have gone to sponsor a child or take that mission trip I said I couldn’t afford to take.  An even sadder situation is when people can’t afford to give or go because they’re strapped with debt.  An over-sized car payment or maxed-out credit card can seriously hinder a person from being available for God to use.

It really is a brilliant demonic strategy if you think about it.  “Let people have all they want until they’re too buried by possessions to be able to go when God says go.

I believe that God wants me and my family to be in a position to be used by Him.  He wants us to be ready.  I have a friend who sold his house and moved into an apartment just because God might call him overseas.  That may sound extreme to some, but when God calls, he won’t have to spend a year getting rid of everything before he goes.  I know some people really take issue with this kind of thinking.  They’re thinking, “I worked hard.  Why shouldn’t I enjoy lots of possessions?  I have a standard of living to maintain!”  I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, “We should be far more concerned with our standard of dying than our standard of living.

So what are we going to do about it?  I’m going to issue myself (and you, if you choose) a challenge.  I’m calling it my “Down to One Challenge”.  What does that mean?  It’s simple; if I have three boxes of something, I’m going to narrow it down to one box.  For instance, I have several boxes of things I’ve filed away for ministry purposes.  It’s time to scale back to one.  Do I really need to keep all those catalogs, old conference notes, and brochures “just in case”?  I also have tons of camping gear (I’ve gone once in the last three years), collectibles, and music gear too.  Some things I’ll give away like I did here.  Other things I’ll sell.  And some of it will go to Goodwill or in the trash.

It’s not about being anti-stuff or taking some vow of poverty.  It’s about living without the trappings of too much stuff so we can be available when God calls.

So how about you?  Are you in?  I’ll be posting my challenges here on this blog and it would be great to hear your thoughts.

Down to One

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