To Cross Or Not To Cross

Most of you know that I had the honor of starting a new church last September.  We’ve experienced some really great things, God is moving in our congregation, and our baby church is growing up fast.  It’s been really cool and most of us have the strong feeling that we’ve stumbled on something really special!

When we first moved into the building, we all had to roll up our sleeves and get the place ready.  You see, it had been a bar for almost 100 years before we moved in.  We painted, put in new carpeting, did some deep cleaning, and of course tore out the bar.

The only thing we didn’t do was hang up any crosses.  Come to think of it, there’s not a shred of religious symbolism anywhere.  It’s not that we’re opposed to those things.  It just never came to mind.  In the midst of planning, reaching out to the neighborhood, praying for the sick, and worshiping Jesus, it hadn’t dawned on us that we should have a cross up somewhere.

An older gentleman asked me shortly after we launched why there were no crosses and I just scratched my head and said, “Uh…I dunno…”

My question is… should we have a cross somewhere on our church?  Can God use us to bless our city and expand His Kingdom if we don’t have religious symbols?  Please let me know what you think and why.

To cross or not to cross?  Leave your answer below…