One Small Thing That Could Change Your Life

We have a tradition around our house.  We practice this tradition every Monday and it has changed us for the better.  Because of this tradition, there’s a greater sense of peace in our home, we’re a closer family, and we’ve learned some incredible things along the way.  When this tradition was first suggested to us by some friends of ours, I kind of shrugged it off.  But my wife persisted, and boy am I glad she did!

So what it this miracle tradition?

We call it Media Fast Monday.

On Mondays, the TV does not get turned on, the computer is only used for work and school, and video games are off limit.  It’s only for one day out of the week, but it makes a massive difference!

Here are a few of the benefits we’ve gained:

1. We get more reading in.  If you never seem to have time to read, you’d be surprised at how many books you can devour by simply spending one night a week with a book.  I could write an entire post about the difference reading makes, so dive in!

2. We spend quality time as a family.  Let’s be honest, time together around the TV set really isn’t quality time.  With the TV off, we play games together, work on art projects, and have fun interacting.  The kids don’t dread Media Fast Monday, they look forward to it!

3. Our marriage is stronger.  Again, time around the TV together really isn’t that quality, and good, quality one on one time usually leads to MORE one on one time with the spouse (if you catch my meaning).  Turning the TV off has made us better lovers :-).

4. Fasting Media has a detoxifying effect.  With the TV off, I tend to feel less anxious, the house is quieter, and having less stimulation helps to clear the brain and calibrate my thoughts.  I often do my best writing during a media fast.

I want to challenge you to give it a try for six weeks.  It may sound radical but it really is a small price to pay for the benefits you gain.  Don’t give in to the temptation to work late on Monday nights or preoccupy yourself with going out with friends or doing household maintenance projects.  Use the time to strengthen your family relationships, your mind, and your spirit.

Let me know what you think!  Do you think you’ll try it?  Do you do something similar?  Tell me about it!

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